Our Executive Team
UV Doron, M.S., E.I.T.
President / Co-Founder
As a third-generation steel fabricator and former Navy machinist mate, UV's experience is rooted in how things are made. It was after accumulating years of hands-on experience that UV entered undergrad and graduate school that he learned how things are designed. As a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering department at Texas A&M, his biggest emphasis is on engineering design within the context of how things are made. Or said another way: design is easy, but designing something that can be made (given resources and capabilities) is something else.
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2009
Thesis: Optical Measurements of Rayleigh-Taylor Turbulent Mixing
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas in Austin
Exosent Engineering, President/Co-founder, ‘10-present
Texas A&M University, Lecturer “Computer Aided Design,” ‘11-’19
Texas A&M University, Research Assistant, ‘08-’09
Domatex, Various Capacities: Welder, Fitter, Engineer, VP Operations, ‘88-'08
University of Texas at Austin, Teaching Assistant, ‘04
University of Texas at Austin, Fluids Lab Manager, ‘02-’04
University of Texas at Austin, Facilities Gas Turbine Technician, ‘01-’02
U.S. Navy, Steam Engineer & Electro Hydraulic Winch - Machinist Mate 2nd Class (MM2), ‘91-’96
ASME Robert T. Knapp Award, Best Paper in Fluids Engineering Division “Optical Density Measurements and Analysis for Single-Mode Initial-Condition Buoyancy-Driven Mixing” (along with co-author A. Duggleby), ‘12
Navy Achievement Medal, Exemplary and highly professional execution of duties aboard USS Shasta, in particular: trouble shooting and working around the clock to save SHASTA’s anchor windlass, ‘96
Good Conduct Award (US Navy), Exemplary service aboard USS Shasta, ‘95
LCDR Andrew Duggleby, Ph.D., P.E., C.W.I
CTO / Co-Founder
As a third-generation scientist, Andrew grew up questioning everything and cultivating a gift for ingesting knowledge at a high rate. Andrew's expertise is in fluid mechanics, computational analysis (FEA, CFD), and in being a generalist (knowing a little bit about a large range of topics). His attitude is best summarized that the wheel does not always need to be reinvented, but it is amazing how quickly people/organizations/industry forget why the wheel was made. When technology changes to make a better wheel or a system that does not require a wheel, opportunity is missed.
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2006
Dissertation: Direct Numerical Simulation and Analysis (POD) of turbulent pipe flow drag reduction
Ph.D. Physics, Texas A&M University, 2017 (expected)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 2004
Thesis: Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Pipe Flow using Spectral Methods
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2002
B.S. Physics, Texas A&M University, 2002
Venus Aerospace, CTO / Co-Founder, ‘20-present
Exosent Engineering, CTO / Co-Founder, ‘10-present
US Navy Reserve, LCDR , ‘13-present
Texas A&M University, Assistant Professor, ‘08-present
$330k research grant and 4M CPU hours supercomputing time awarded.
12 peer-reviewed journal articles, 12 conference papers, 4 invited talks.
Supervised and managed 5 Ph.D. students, 7 M.S. students, 6 undergraduate researchers.
Graduate classes taught: fluid mechanics, numerical methods, senior design.
Undergraduate classes taught: fluid mechanics, numerical methods, senior design.
Virginia Tech, Research Assistant Professor, ‘06-’07
Virginia Tech, Research Assistant, ‘04-’06
University of Texas at Austin, Teaching Assistant, ‘02-’04
Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, Commanding Officer, Squadron 16, ‘00-’01
Professional Engineer (Texas), ‘10-present
AWS Certified Welding Inspector, ‘12-present
ASME Robert T. Knapp Award, Best paper in Fluids Engineering Division “Optimal Density Measurements and Analysis for Single-Mode Initial-Condition Buoyancy-Driven Mixing” (along with co-author UV Doron), ‘12
Texas A&M Montague Center for Teaching Excellence Award, Departmental Nomination, ‘11
Texas A&M Former Student Teaching Award, College of Engineering Finalist, ‘10
Isidro Mendoza, RSO
Operation Manager
Isidro joined Exosent in 2014 as a helper, however, Isidro quickly rose through the ranks in one year became shop supervisor. Isidro’s tenacity and attention to detail make him an invaluable resource for the Exosent mission. Isidro is a certified Radiation Safety Officer with the State of Texas and a level 3 NDE Inspector in Mag Particle, Digital Radiography, and UT.
Radiation Safety Officer, State of Texas, 2017
Digital Radiography Interpretation, Haller 2015
Antelope Valley College, 2010
Exosent Engineering, Shop Forman, 2015- present.
Exosent Engineering, Radiation Safety Officer, 2017-present
Golden Dental , Dental Radiologist, 2011-2014
Manuel Gutierrez, B.S.
Principle Manufacturing Designer
Manuel joined Exosent in 2017 as a 3D CAD helper, and now is in charge of all new trailer designs varying from simple two axle propane units to 5 axle CO2 insulated units and 7 axle Michigan units. Manuel has proven himself to be an incredible asset for Exosent not only as an engineer but also in helping designing and maintaining Exosent’s own specialty equipment. Manuel earned his B.S. in Manufacturing Design Engineering from Texas A&M at College Station.
B.S. B.S. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Texas A&M at College Station, 2017
Exosent Engineering, Engineer, 2017- present.